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Monday, 7 April 2014

Tips Using Software Resetter for Epson Printer without Change Date Setting

At some software resetter or adjustment program for epson need date setting at computer to use the software without error. sometime change date setting in computer very disturb. in fact there are some ways to use software resetter or adjustment program for epson without changing date setting in computer and without error.
Here how :
A. Using bat file or Create bat file
Create one bat file and copy this code. You can use notepad to create it. Place the bat file at the same folder with the adjustment program.
@echo off
echo %date% > currdate.txt
date 11-07-07
rd C:\adjust~1 /s/q
start/wait AdjProg.exe
date < currdate.txt
del currdate.txt
rd C:\adjust~1 /s/q
Note : replace red font with date setting for adjutment program.
B. Using Date Cracker Software
  • Download and install Date Cracker and run the software.
  • Click Add button, enter program description (example: Resetter Epson C90)
  • Click “…” button the select the adjutment software then click open.
  • Type date setting for the adjustment program in the simulated run date.
  • Click run button to run the software.
Note : All this methods has been tested.


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